Mar 18, 2018
Three Takeaways from “Pledge to Serve”
The big idea of “Pledge to Serve” was to have Divine Nine members leverage their expertise to articulate the value of our servant leadership

Jan 26, 2018
10 Issues Black Greeks Have With Their Grad Chapters
Grad chapter life is no joke. It can drive Black Greeks nuts. It is serious volunteer work that you almost need a Human Resources degree to

Dec 26, 2017
Character, the Key to Respect in Greek Life
All eyes are on us because we call attention to ourselves. With all of the attention that we command, folks pay attention to us as a collect

Dec 10, 2017
Guess Who’s Coming to Meeting: Divine Nine Chapters and Organizational Culture
Every new line brings a culture change and every chapter of every organization is a fief. While we know our national missions and organizati

Jul 2, 2017
A Deeper Look at the Divine Nine’s Impact
A deeper look at the Divine Nine reveals that there is much more to our organizations’ impact. The real discussion is about how Black Greeks

Dec 20, 2016
How Your Peers Can Tell You're a Great Leader
"Born leaders" are those who have a knack for leading but still have a lot to learn. Make no mistake about it, your peers who are

Nov 6, 2016
When 'My Letters' Really Aren't Your Letters
Claim your letters but understand that ownership is about accountability. As you descend from the clouds of enjoying your coming-out party,

Mar 18, 2013
The Secret of Gumbo
The mission of every fraternity or sorority chapter is to maintain a healthy family that will promote the mission of the organization. Creat